


i use a digital camera for my pics. this works the best i have seen this to be prove true. Others use a camera then scan it. however i dont believe they are as clear


Active Member
When using an SLR, turn it to manual, place it on a tripod, use the light meter to set the shutter and aperture, turn all the lights off in the room, focus, and use a shutter release control, or the timer. 400 speed film should do, but you can experiement with faster speeds. If you tank is well lit you shouldnt need the flash, Im not familar with flash photography so I cant help you there ;) A digital camera cant come close to the clarity of a well exposed picture using film, IMO. But digital cameras are simple to use vs. SLR when it comes to uploading pics on the web. HTH


Active Member
When you use a flash...odds are the light is going to reflect and ruin your pic. If your tank is well lit you shouldnt have to use a flash anyway. Adrian has the rest taken care of...turn off your lights, use a tripod, use the manual focus, make sure your f-stop and shutter speed are adjusted accoring to a light meter, and use a quality film at a medium speed. The faster the speed the less light and more grainy...the slower the speed more light and alot clearer...HTH :D

cap'n pete

Don't use a slr but would if I could get my pictures fast. Try taking your pictures during daylight (if tank in a lit room) with no flash. Then try with the room dark and no flash to see what you prefer. Keep the tank lights on during the photo shoot. Fast speed film (400) is advisable to avoid blurriness from fast fish. 400 speed film can come out a bit dark though, so make sure your getting plenty of exposure. HTH.


I use a digital camera but My guess would be the sam ecould be applied to an SLR. you want the tank lights on and the flash off. Also I get as close to the glass as I can. I have had pretty good results using these methods. I hope this helped you.


Active Member
I've had mixed results with flash v. no flash. If you're taking a wide shot where the depth of field will probably be deeper and flash will be reflected you're better off not using the flash. Your tank lights should provide you with plenty. If on the other had you're trying for a close-up you may find that flash does a better job as it keeps up your depth of field and stops the motion better. Less blur. Film is great if your not going to scan. I think if you want it on the computer, a good digital will give you the best results.
Good Luck!