Photos of my first SW tank


Her are some pics of my first SW tank. I have always kept fresh water and currently have 4 tanks. This one is Aqua Pod 24. I have 20 lbs LS, about 25 lbs of live rock. The tank has been set up a little short of 2 weeks but I cured the live rock etc. in a seperate tank that has completed it's cycle. I have only 4 hermits and 2 mexican turbo snails. The cycle seems to be going fine. PH 8.2 Ammonia barely readable, zero nitrites, Nitrates 15 ppm and the temp between 78-80. (80 towards the end of the day. From the lights I guess.) Recently added a green star polyp and a very cool cleaner shrimp. As I said this is my first SW so comments and suggestions are welcome.



Not bad at all. I would encourage you to add more sand. Read-up on Deep Sand Beds (DSB's). It will help with your nitrates, not forcing you to make weekly water changes.


Active Member
make sure that you are feeding the critters in the tank (you didn't state that you were, so I thought I would add). I know that my cleaner shrimp, hermits, and shrimp eat anything (flake, mysis, live brine, pellet, etc...). With the tank not being established, they may not have enough to scavenge unless you add some food for them!
Rockwork looks great, you have some nice colorful pieces in there! Keep posted!!!


Active Member
So far, so good!
I also recommend more sand (to a depth of 4-4.5")
I try not to put rock against the sides of the tank----helps promote more water flow 'around' the rock.
I like the rock; is it tonga?
What fish are you planning to add?


Originally Posted by Catawaba
So far, so good!
I also recommend more sand (to a depth of 4-4.5")
I try not to put rock against the sides of the tank----helps promote more water flow 'around' the rock.
I like the rock; is it tonga?
What fish are you planning to add?
Thanks to all. With adding more sand, if I add LS should I add a little at a time? if so, stir it into the existing How much etc? :notsure: Would love to keep the nitrate down as natural as possible.
don't know. LOL, I'm still trying to learn the basics about fish. I'm not sure on the fish yet, if I start shopping I'll become impatient.


Originally Posted by browniebuck
make sure that you are feeding the critters in the tank (you didn't state that you were, so I thought I would add). I know that my cleaner shrimp, hermits, and shrimp eat anything (flake, mysis, live brine, pellet, etc...). With the tank not being established, they may not have enough to scavenge unless you add some food for them!
Rockwork looks great, you have some nice colorful pieces in there! Keep posted!!!
Yep throwing some flake food in there every other day.


Here a a few update pictures. Sorry about the quality as I'm using a camera phone :thinking:
Any how things are going good. The tank is now home to a Sebae Clown with his very own BTA, a Royal Gramma and a Coral Beauty angel. Of course the whole behind the scenes crew. Still have the first shrimp I bought. It's alive too!
Let me know what you guys think. Ultimately I will be adding some more soft corals but I'm leaving well enough alone for now.



Active Member
Looks really good!! I love your aquascaping too, some very unique looking pieces of LR. So, is your clown being hosted by the anenome?
Good job.
Lisa :happyfish


Hello all. It's been a while since I've posted. Learned a couple of hard (and somewhat costly) lessons along the way. Doing great now. The hardest part of this hobby is Patience.
I am about to add some Zoos in the next week or so. I'll post pics
