pic of 26bow


Active Member
No offense, but I kind of like the before better then the after. I mean, both look good and more live rock is better then too little. But in the before, I like how you can still see alot of your sand, and after you can't see that much...regardless, your tank is very nice looking!! What kind of corals do you have? Fish list? And how much live rock before and afteR?

keith burn

Active Member
1 atlantic jewel
1 domino
1 bicolor
1 blue devil
1 w/b maroon
befor 50/60lbs
after 65/70lbs
corals and stuf
Branching Hammer Coral
Green Star Polyp
Devil's Hand Leather
4/5 tipes of mushrooms
Yellow Polyps
zoos Pink,green,brown
some tipe of flower pot ???

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
60-70lbs of lr is alot for a 26 bow!
well just pulled it out of holding tank
i thank 60/70lbs
but do not know
may be 50lbs or so