pic of blue hippo tangs


Active Member
wow they are both beautiful, how did you bring out the colour so well in these fish? Mine is new and nearly ready to come out of the QT! What are you feeding them?


he's an achilles had him for almost a year now...very sensitive fish, dont know how i've kept him alive this long ;)
here's a pic of all the fish


Very nice achilles tanker. you said that they are hard to keep? how big do they get? (they are everywhere in hawaii) and how reef/community if FO freindly are they? I want to get one once the 125 goes up it just passed leak test 3 weeks no leaks :) so i mooved it in friday.... had to get rid of the entertainment center to find room though :( thought that the apt manager was going to have a heart attach when she saw it in the back of the pickup hehe ;)


i find with my achilles that frequent feedings are necessary to keep him alive...these fish are constantly on the move and use a lot of energy doing so. constant supply of greenstuffs is needed as well as fast water movement (achilles tangs live in surge zones of coast of Hawaii )
the most important thing with these or any other fish is making sure it is eating at the lfs, cause if its not eating there it won't eat for you either.
the max size is 18" according to literature...mine has grown about 1" since i got him last year, he's 5" now.
they can be very agressive to same size and shape fish, so introducing this fish last is the best way.
great fish by the way, with awesome coloration to boot


Thanx tanker... yeah i don't know which ones i liked more in hawaii the triggers or the achilles both seemed very curious and playfull
if i get one i got only one store i'll go to to get it, cause i know he won't sell it to me until he is satisfied that it is eating and healty.