pic of colt-dead or alive?


here is my colt coral that came in the mail the pic is blurry but you can tell it is droopy and has no polyp extension is it still alive or should i take it out?
Dang can't put up picture....put the coral si purple about 2 inches and is dropping compeletly and has no polyp extention and can't hold itself up is it dead?


Active Member
if you make the picture smaller you should be able to post it, 500 X 500 i believe is the max. where did you get it from? what are your water parameters? how long did you acclimate it for and how long has it been in your tank?


Active Member
Let it stay in your tank for a day or two. They sometimes take that long to acclimate to the new enviornment. Meanwhile call your supplier and advise them if they have a guarantee period.