pic of my new acrylic tank



about 100 pnd rock
1 yellow tang came with the rock
2 clowns
1 red hermit
1 coral banded shrimp
1 diamond goby
4 astria snails
1 large zebra snail


How big is the tank?... and how did the yellow tang come with the rock?
O by the way, NIce Tank!


Originally Posted by salt_hobbi
How big is the tank?... and how did the yellow tang come with the rock?
O by the way, NIce Tank!

it's a 50 gal.
A freind took down his tank and sold me all the contents for a hundred bucks, 175 pnds of rock, a picaso triger (witch I traded for the cbs, and the diamond goby), about a hundred pnds of crushed coral (I have no use for) , a powerhead, a masive six parmiter test kit, fish food and several other chemical additives.


Originally Posted by puffer24/7
dont be happy about rippin off ur friend and makin money it will come back to bite u in the ass
I did not ripp him off.
He set the amount and even told me, that if i wanted to sell it, he had no problems with that. He was just happy to be getting rid of it. He had let the tank get very dirty and out of control due to lack of time to care for it.
so I'm not gloating just sharing my good fortune.