Pic of my new true blue zoos & more


Active Member
Just got these and they aren't all open yet

Pic of my mandrin

One of my green clown goby

Took this one afew days ago.Just entered it in a photo contest, think it has a chance?


Active Member
I got them at lfs, the oranges hitchiked on the underside of a piece of LR with a pipe organ I bought. The others I got a huge colony of for 59.00, have fragged them and sold off alot of them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
pic 1 nice!

pic 2 nice
pic 3 nice
pic 4 nope.......
just kidding I love that picture.
Hey, you scared me :scared: I was thinking maybe it was a great pic to me and no one else


i livoe the pics and the last one is great but i think that what ever is in the bottom left corner, the black blur, is going to hurt your chances if there are people with prof. type skills and equip. Im sorry but i want to be honest, I DO love the pics though


Active Member
Originally Posted by stonedage
i livoe the pics and the last one is great but i think that what ever is in the bottom left corner, the black blur, is going to hurt your chances if there are people with prof. type skills and equip. Im sorry but i want to be honest, I DO love the pics though
Its a contest sponsored by the reef club i belong to, so no professional pics, and it doesn't even have a prize really, mostly for fun. all amatures like me, with reg diggie cams. some of the entries are as good as mine, some not as good, if it were a big deal I could crop the photo and take out the blur, but its not.


Active Member
Great pics Puffer...I LOVE the blue zoas!! I wish I could find some cool things like that around here...I've gotta start looking into ordering online or on the big auction site...hmmm...

I've recent subscribed to a reef club newsletter, but the club meets in a city about 45 minutes away from me...I already work late enough, do tank maintenance, have supper...probably won't work to plan to attend meetings...but they all seem really nice. We'll see.
Let us know if you win your contest!!
Lisa :happyfish


I really dont mean any disrespect, just rying to give you my honest feeling. I only wish i could have a tank that has such amazing colours to be able to take pics of, it really looks like a great set upSA


Active Member
Originally Posted by stonedage
I really dont mean any disrespect, just rying to give you my honest feeling. I only wish i could have a tank that has such amazing colours to be able to take pics of, it really looks like a great set upSA
Hey, i asked, you answered, if i didn't want opinions on whether i could win, wouldn't have asked, no offense taken.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Great pics Puffer...I LOVE the blue zoas!! I wish I could find some cool things like that around here...I've gotta start looking into ordering online or on the big auction site...hmmm...

I've recent subscribed to a reef club newsletter, but the club meets in a city about 45 minutes away from me...I already work late enough, do tank maintenance, have supper...probably won't work to plan to attend meetings...but they all seem really nice. We'll see.
Let us know if you win your contest!!
Lisa :happyfish
I got the zoos online, but the store is 10 mins from my house so i get to see what i am buying before i buy, thats a plus.
Reef clubs are great, I am a new member, so not real involved yet, though they had a great swap in nov and another is planned for may. Its a great way to get some different things without spending alot of money, actually i didn't spend anything at the last one, just brought alot of frags along to sell/trade.


Active Member
wow, those zoos look amazing....they look SWEEEET!!!!
hey, what kind of camera do you use?
yeah, i wish there was a reef club around here. but i have found a sweet deal online....10buck zoo frags.


Active Member
Originally Posted by larryndana
wow, those zoos look amazing....they look SWEEEET!!!!
hey, what kind of camera do you use?
yeah, i wish there was a reef club around here. but i have found a sweet deal online....10buck zoo frags.
My camera is a kodak easyshare C743. Still trying to get use to it, get more blurry pics of the tank, but the ones outside are amazing.
Did you find these frags on the auction site? Do the zoos look like what they do on line? Mind telling me which one? tx303@tx.rr.com Thanks.