Pic of new chiller for 37 Gal eel tank


I hope this thing works. I guess I'll see, the tank temp runs around 84 since it's in the server room and that room is warm. I hope to get the tank down to at least 80. has anyone had these and if so how well do they work?


cant help ya on the chiller, but i would elevate that power strip if i was you. water getting into that can be a really bad thing, especially at work (server room right?).
ideally you want your strips above the highest level the water in your system will sit, but if that isnt possible, elevating them and making sure to leave a drip loop will be the second best option.
and dont forget your gfci!



Originally posted by krux
cant help ya on the chiller, but i would elevate that power strip if i was you. water getting into that can be a really bad thing, especially at work (server room right?).
ideally you want your strips above the highest level the water in your system will sit, but if that isnt possible, elevating them and making sure to leave a drip loop will be the second best option.
and dont forget your gfci!

Krux, as pictured below the server room is in my house and I do agree I need to redo the power strips for the tank, Oh and by the way this little chiller works pretty darn well

richard rendos

Active Member
You are from Chambersburg...I used to live in Waynesboro, PA. What is the name of the pet shop by the railroad tracks there? Not Pugh's...something else. The shop had a tank as you first enter that had an enormous bubble coral in it. Do you know the one I'm talking about?


Yes, I know them I sometimes get things from there. The name is JS&K pet supply, they have VHOs on that tank and last year they moved the bubble to a tank with MH and it withered away