Picaso trigger


I recently purchased a clean up crew; consisting of 8 snails and 10 hermits. It's been a day now, and my trigger is attacking them. They're still on the glass, but they haven't moved for a while. Could they be dead, and still stick on the glass?


If they are dead, I am pretty sure they wouldn't stick to the glass. And yes your trigger will probably keep on attacking them until he gets to eat them.


The trigger will make "lunch" out of most of the cleanup crew. Same with my wrasses. Get rid of one or the other.


If it is still stuck to the glass it is not dead yet, and I do mean yet. the trigger will be makeing a meal out of them, that is just what they do. Good Luck


LionFish says......
Ah, one of the major mistakes that happens in aggressive tanks is invert casualties. Shrimp, snails, crabs, etc. will be eaten in no time. You have to imagine that anything small, and potentially crunchy is gonna look good to an aggressive fish that has a huge appetite. Just keep in mind that most aggressive fish eat inverts in the wild and they follow their instincts in the tank too. It don't look good for the snails but it is a lesson learned. The trigger will most likely eventually rip the snails off the glass somehow and eat them. Sorry to hear it though.


i have a 2" rectangular trigger which had to be housed temporarily in a fish and invert tank. within two weeks he had killed 8 trochus snails! he would eat about half and then leave the rest which would cause ammonia problems unless they were immediately removed. he is now in another tank!
no inverts with triggers or no triggers with inverts!
good luck.