Picasso Clown Question


Active Member
Some of you might know that I just setup a 29g tank. I know it will be awhile before I can put anything in it by I am considering what future fish I might add. I know that I want another midas blenny and I am also considering a picasso clown.
The one on this site sells for $149 and states that it is a rare clown from ORA. I friend of mine that works at the petstore says that he can order me one for $60. Why the big price difference? I assume my friend isn't ordering the fish from ORA even though that is where he order a lot of coral. He has two other distributors that he uses so maybe the clown comes from one of them.


I can't really answer your question fully, but I had a friend who bought a pair of picasso's for 60 bucks a piece and they didnt look nearly as good as the ones on this website selling for $149. IMO clowns, picasso's especially can be a real hit and miss and I feel its best to see the actual ones your buying first to know you like their markings/colors. Which even becomes more risky when spendy $149 each. Always a tuff gamble but you wont be having a lot of fish in your 29g so might as well really love the ones you have


Active Member
I agree. I doubt my friend will order me one unless I commit to buying it since he works at ***** and they usually don't sell expensive fish. I will have to ask him.


The difference is whether they're grade A or grade B. Most are grade B, and they'll be half the price.
There are a few people that now claim to have successfully bred some of the ORA mutations, but thus far, they don't look as good.


Active Member
there are many who have bred successfully and look just as good, if not better than ORA. c-quest, doni, are just some of the examples that have really nice patterns. many members on other forums sell grade-a's as well and they look identicle in quality to ORA


And not that I condone buying from ***** because I don't but if you keep an eye open, they have some mutations in their clown tanks selling for $16.99 all the time. The guy running my ***** saltwater section had my favorite LFS until the recession more or less shut him down.
He held me back a beautiful pair of Picassos that were part of a large shipment because they had them on sale for 11.99. They actually were marked better than my grade A ORA pair.


Active Member
I will only buy from ***** since I can get the livestock before he puts anything in the tanks. Once it goes in their tanks, I am not interested.


Active Member
I spoke with the guy last night about the picasso and asked where will he be ordering it from and he said ORA. Not sure why he can get it for $60 and it sells for $149 here if they are both coming from ORA.


Picassos come in different grades. ORA will only sell the top grade to certain vendors and they have a higher demand. There are lesser quality picassos often sold in bulk to other wholesalers.
The Grade A picassos carry more color and are in general better representations of the fish ORA wants their name attached to.


Originally Posted by smartorl http:///forum/thread/380321/picasso-clown-question#post_3311525
Picassos come in different grades. ORA will only sell the top grade to certain vendors and they have a higher demand. There are lesser quality picassos often sold in bulk to other wholesalers.
The Grade A picassos carry more color and are in general better representations of the fish ORA wants their name attached to.
^ This is what I've been trying to say.


Active Member
I agree with what you both are saying. I guess I was thinking ORA sold grade A only but I guess they can also sell lesser grades at a lower rate.


Any time you breed for a specific trait, you will produce culls that don't meet the criteria.


Active Member
I went to one of my LFS that I haven't visited in awhile and they had some picassos for $50. I could tell they would be classified as a B even without ever seeing an A. lol