Picasso Clowns - Advice please :)


New Member
Hi All, I'm new to this forum and I am very excited to get some feedback on my newest additions...two picasso clowns! So here they are! I'm planning on breeding them and trying to raise the fry. I've had saltwater tanks for several years, but never bred clownfish before, so any feedback is welcome! What does everyone think of these clowns (grade, quality, etc)?


It's beautiful that's all I know lol. and that I want one hahaha.
If you are planning to breed it, please have them at a separate tank by themselves, it will be alot easier that way later.
Then you need to learn to grow rotifers for the frys. Research that first because without this, all is lost. My buddy and I only had 1 fry to live after trying 7 batches of eggs...
We can't move them because then they may not lay eggs for couple of years...


New Member
Thanks for your reply. I def will set up a tank for the fry. The clowns are kinda small now, maybe 1 inch and 1.5 inches so I think i have a while to go before they are ready to breed. But I'm patient, and they seem happy so all is well. I've never had a tank with just fish in it, and couldn't help myself but thrown in a few hermit crabs from my other tank so at least there was little clean up crew. I'm wondering if they need anything else to thrive? I have :
20 gallon tank
5 lbs live rock
live sand bed three inches
fluval canister filter
three hermit crabs
one mushroom
Anything else you think they might like? The lighting isn't enough to support an annenome, but they seem not to care too much about the live rock, they mostly stay in the open water. Maybe a terracotta pot for them?


When they get mature, be sure to take out all the inverts because they will eat the eggs or try to and for sure, eat the frys when they hatch.
I would make an isolated tank for the mated pair if you just wanted to breed them and be sure to cultivate rotifers. There is really no other way to succeed except having live, fresh rotifers to feed the frys.
Looks good so far. minus the hermits down the road.