Picasso Eating Habit


I purchased a 3 inch huma picasso this afternoon and it won't eat squid. It went crazy with the brine but kept spitting out the squid. Has anyone else had this problem. I have some dry krill but haven't tried it yet. Anyone had the same kind of problem and is this bad. Any help with feeding habbits would be greatful. Thanks. -Alex


Active Member
Is it the prepackage frozen squid that's cut up in tiny pieces? My fishes including the huma doesn't like them either. :nope:
is he spitting the whole thing out?? alot of triggers do that with big chunks of food. my clown used to always get shrimp/squidd in his mouth and hed chomp on it and spit it back out... and keep doing that til the puffer came and swallowed the leftovers. my bersa did the same thing. i think thats just how triggers eat. are you 100% posotive he is spitting the whole chunk back out and not just slowly eating it?? if so maybe try feeding him smaller pieces


My humu will not eat frozen squid. He likes everything else i offer him but wont touch the squid. I recently gave away a humu and he would not touch it either.


No, he is spitting the whole thing back out. But, I tried the krill today and he eats it just like you were saying but it is gone really fast.


I just tried fresh squid, for a Humma & Clown Trigger, & blue dot puffer. The Humma chewed on it a little, but lost intrest quickly, & no one else touched it.. My Humma's favorite food, is Formula 1. It took a couple of feedings, but now he's all over it. I also have good luck with cooked & raw shrimp, * ghost shrimp. He'll also eat Plankton, but won't tuch krill.


You know, I've had crappy luck trying to entice my fish to eat squid, even w/ appetite enhancers. I just sits in my freezer w/ the other fish food. I think my fish are just plain spoiled... little bast@rds. :speak:


The only reason my frozen squid gets used is because of my niger. He is kind of like the garbage can of the tank, just eats anything.


Squid is VERY hard to chew, the large fish, like groupers and sharks who swallow whole, will eat it, but I have found that the triggs spit it out in anticipation of being fed something else.....


New Member
I feed my huma and clown trigger clam shrimp scalopes krill I cut food for humma in small pieces they both take it right out of my hand. Good luck.

the gman

New Member
Instead of feeding him squid, why not plain old rubber! It has the same texture but probably tastes better! jk
My Huma will eat almost anything else. I buy a couple shrimp from the grocery store and line them across the bottom of a ziploc bag and put enough water in it to make a "shrimp-sicle". I can then shave off the shrimp from the exposed end while the frozen water keeps the rest of the shrimp nice and fresh for a long time.
I also reuse my Formula containers with the little squares. I always get wierd looks when I ask the seafood guy for 2 shrimp, 3 scallops and 2 clams. (oysters are really messy!) Chop them up pretty fine, mix in a couple drops of vitamin mix and refill the squares up. Leave a little room at the top of each square so after you freeze them up you can place a thin layer of water on the top to seal in the good stuff and keep out the freezer burn and smell.
Triggers do spit part of their food back out sometimes, then they rehit it sometimes. That just what Triggers do. When they know you are looking they might even hit on a piece of dead coral, munch for a second or 2 then spit it out and look at you like "I meant to do that".
I always have at least one trigger!