Picasso or Clown??


I lost my Picasso last week due to some complications with an Ammonia spike a couple of months ago. I tried to hand feed him but simply could not give him enough and he couldn’t see so it was an uphill battle. He was my first fish when I got back into tanks 6 years ago. It is very hard for me to replace him but I miss the wonderful personality the triggers have. So I am going to get another and wanted some opinions. The tank is fairly aggressive and large. 175 Bow front filled with a Hippo Tang, Surgeon Tang, Blue Regal Tang, Sailfin, Lunar Wrasse, Porcupine puffer (baby) and Epaulette Shark( 18-24 inches). My Surgeon tang is about 11-12 inches and the rest fall in line going down to the smallest my baby puffer who is about 4 inches. I have about 70lbs of live rock. My question is do I go back to a Picasso (Huma Huma) or to a clown trigger? Which would be better suited for what I have? Which has the most out going personality. My Picasso was awesome and would eat from my hand and normally buzz around to get my attention. I could literally hold him and shield him with my hand to feed him while the other fish would try to steal his food. He was like a dog. Is a clown the same way? I appreciate any experiences out there that you can share.


the clown we have at work is really, really aggressive....he tries to jump out of the water to get food sometimes. but he is very cool to watch

shark bait

I like the humma because he would move my live sand around and hellp keep it clean, he would fing leftover food in the tank and spit it out. The other fish loved him for that. I have a humma 7", niger7-8" miniata grouper 6" purple tang mappa pufffer. I had a clown but the humma has more personality in my mind.


I ended up with the Huma Huma. I know they are a little less aggressive than the Clown and just couldn't risk any issue with my shark. He is in QT now for a couple of weeks.