Picasso Trigger and a Lion?


I'm about to upgrade one of my tanks up to a 55 gallon corner type from a small 15gal. The only thing in there is live sand and rock, a clown fish and Picasso Trigger.
Once I get the bigger tank, would I be able to add a lion fish safely? Will the three get along do you think? Am I limited to a dwarf lion with that setup?
Thanks for any advise...


Active Member
Probably not a good idea....A 55 is still a small tank by Huma standards (and very small by anything but a Dwarf Lion). That is a factor, I don't view most Triggers as "territorial" as much as just "aggressive"....A bigger factor is that regardless of tank size, Huma's are very curious fish, they see the long spines of a slow moving Lion and just can't resist chewing on them, this is why Lions and most Triggers don't make good tankmates.