Picasso trigger is really sick, please help


I recently lost 2 domino damsels to ick and I thought I had it under control, but now my pricasso trigger has it. I've been treating him with a product from the LFS called "Quick Cure" and it has worked for me in the past, but no so much this time. All of my water parameters are fine and the fish has been acting really strange lately. When I get home from work he seems to be just leaning up against a rock or leaning against the glass. But as soon as it's feeding time or you go by the tanks he's up and swimming and seems fine. So if you have any input it would be greatly appreciated.


He had about a half dozen small white spots but those seem to be going away and it is a 55 gallon FO aggressive tank. It's just strange at times he seems really bad and other time he's normal and cruising around. I don't get it:confused: