Picasso Trigger, Rectangle Trigger, or Sharpnose Puffer?


Well, we need more info to answer that. Like what size tank, other tankmates, filter system, ect... From the tank sizes you have listed, no triggers, they need at least 75 gallons. The puffer could work in the 40, but it depends on what other fish you have in there.


as for the triggers, rectangles and picassos are almost the same fish. They are equally belligerant and require plenty of space and food. The only thing is, around here rectangles are more money (lfs claims they are rare)


I got info on this from Ozz on a chat. So, I am going to buy a rectangle and keep him in a 37G untill he gets bigger (getting one about 1-2 inches long). Thanks anyways!
the sharpnose puffer might get stressed and might not get enough to eat because the other fish you mentioned are very aggressive feeders..