picasso trigger

fishie tvt

New Member
hi all i just bought a picasso trigger, a small one and hes chewin on my live rock. i dont have a reef or anything, just a fish only tank with live rock. is this bad? that he is chewing on my rock?...i mean bad to the point where it can affect my tank?


My picasso does the same thing.. his bite is so hard you can actually hear him chomping away from the other room. It sounds like a loud clicking noise. Ive seen him demolish the few snails I had in the tank with one bite. Also he has a fondness for chomping on my CC


Fishie, something else that you will notice your trigger do is bite onto a piece of rock or something and just hang there. They clamp in to rest and sleep. Very normal behavior.


New Member
If your trigger is biting at a peice of rock that means that he found something on that he wants to eat.Huma's are constantly looking for food.They will eat anything that appeals to them.My huma always sleeps under a rock that he dug under.