

I was wondering, could I have a picasso triggerfish with a scopas tang, purple firefish, sixline wrasse, and green chromis?


Originally Posted by corbeaner
I was wondering, could I have a picasso triggerfish with a scopas tang, purple firefish, sixline wrasse, and green chromis?
I would fear for the last three on your list...luck of the draw in regards to the picasso. I have had some calm picasso's, but right now I have a very aggressive one. If you don't have an alternate place to put the picasso I probably would not do it unless you would be able to return it to your lfs. I could never give a fish back...I get too attached.


There are some triggers considered more peaceful, such as the niger or blue jaw, and a few others. I have a niger that does relatively well with some of my less aggressive fish. He can get a little over excited at feeding time, but that is about it. The only other two things I would take into consideration when having a trigger is you are taking a "chance" with your inverts, and the fact that they can get quite large (for example the niger with a potential of 20") so not only is a large tank required but also good filtration.