Picasso's in their new home


Active Member
Beautiful, when i get another tank or when my clowns die i'm definately getting picaso's, they are so awesome looking.


yes, they are something to see in person. I knew I always liked them, but when I saw them in person my face just lit up more than the sun (so my girlfriend says). I will probably never buy another type of clown now that I'm tainted with these guys. I've been reading for the past 48 hours on their color maturation, and I must say I'm excited. I'm gonna take tons of pictures for before and afters.

crypt keeper

Active Member
How big are they now? They are unreal. The spot on the ones face is badass. Congrats. Gorgeous fish.
When they get older what do they look like? Do they get any black?


They'll develope more black as they age, along with the white expanding some. Here's a picture (not mine) for an example of a mature one. I have no clue how old they are. They are about an inch and a half or so. Plus they've already got names....
Pico, and Cassie


HAHA! I'd love to add Ray to my tank, but somehow I don't think 9 gals is enough! Maybe if I add a sump? LMAO! *that's a joke by the way for those of you that might think I'm serious*


Originally Posted by swimmer4uus
HAHA! I'd love to add Ray to my tank, but somehow I don't think 9 gals is enough! Maybe if I add a sump? LMAO! *that's a joke by the way for those of you that might think I'm serious*

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by swimmer4uus
They'll develope more black as they age, along with the white expanding some. Here's a picture (not mine) for an example of a mature one. I have no clue how old they are. They are about an inch and a half or so. Plus they've already got names....
Pico, and Cassie

man those are gorgeous! Maybe later on in life.


well, I already gave an update on my tank diary thread, but thought I'd post it here too. Woke up this morning to two dead cleaner shrimp, and two dead picasso clowns....tank was cloudy. Did some tests, but nothing that jumped out to me
Ammonia 0.00-0.25
Nitrite 0.00-0.05
Nitrate 15-20
Only thing I can think of is that the Kenya tree expanded and started touching with the frogspawn, pissing it off and it reacted with chemical warfare...idk.


Yeah, anyone have suggestions for increasing my future success rate? I'm gonna do a water change later today of about 2 gals...that's about 20%. I'm now looking into setting up a qt tank with just basic lights, filter, and weekly water changes to semi grow out my next pair, then introduce them into this tank. I'll also be getting a yellow headed jawfish, another pair of cleaner shrimp to be making sure it all goes well before I make another purchase of picasso's


A qt would be a good start and maybe try to seperate your corals a bit so they don't mess with each other.


GOOD IDEA! I completely forgot about moving them! I'm also thinking about redoing the aquascape since I only have snails and one hermit crab in there right now. won't stress anything out, then let the tank settle some before I introduce anything again....I'm so bummed but I'm gonna get a pair of these guys in here eventually!!! Just so heasitant now


Active Member
Originally Posted by swimmer4uus
They'll develope more black as they age, along with the white expanding some. Here's a picture (not mine) for an example of a mature one. I have no clue how old they are. They are about an inch and a half or so. Plus they've already got names....
Pico, and Cassie
those are helfrichchick's picassos! You guys should see her tank...
a bigger tank? 9 gal isnt very big for 1 clown let alone 2 IMO. 25 gal would be better 4 all. Sorry for your loss..they were nice looking fish.