Picassos new tankmate....................


Well after lots of thought and advice from the board here ,(thanks), I got my second fish in my 110G. I got a 4 inch Purple tang from my LFS and am very very happy with the addition. I got him partially to help keep the lawn trimmed and partially for his fantastic looks. If youvve never seen one up close ,they are far from just a purple bodied tang. The detailed spots and lines in his body are fantastic as well as the striking color. Hes getting along great with my Picasso so far. They seem to actually be buddies with the Tang attempting to follow the much faster trigger around. He started grazing the algae immediately and also loves mysis shrimp. Hes picking at other foods as well and has made a great addition to my tank. It took quite a few shots before I was able to capture him well enough to share. Here he is. Peter



Originally posted by clint_reno
I didn't know tangs and triggers got along. Good info, nice pics!

I've had no trouble, Huma & Niger, with a Yellow & Purple. no trouble, except the Purple & yellow dance every now & then, & the 2 triggers dance here & there. But trigger on Tang, never any trouble, except when I had my Clown trigger, who almost killed my Purple Tang.
Hey bona42na, Very nice looking Purple tang.


Picasso triggers are excellent fish for any tank (moderate with inverts) They are the nicest triggers, complete opposites from clown triggers who eat and attack anything smaller. You could add many more fish even damsels with your picasso and still have no trouble. good luck :)