Pick My Mix Please!


I am starting a 55gal FO. I have 6 damsels now, they are going away though, lots of lace and volcanic rock and a small amount of live rock. I am thinking of the following...
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
2 Camel Back Shrimp
10 Turbo Snails
1 Maroon Clown
1 Coral Beauty or Flame Angel
1 or 2 Blennys
But I know very little so I would like to hear from everyone...


Active Member
That all sounds fine together although the CBS may kill the other two shrimp.


Active Member
i agreee, however, i would look at different shrimp altogether(especially if tehre is any chance of going reef later on) as for shrimp, i'd sayy get 2 skunk cleaners, mor friendly and will help you to clean your tank and tankmates, a bit more money but worth it, they will also spend more time in the open
that does sound like a pretty good line up, just if yo don't already know, you should wait a while (about 6 months+), before adding the cb or flame angel, i don;t know what your likes are, but in bleenies i like the lawnmower(aka algae) blenny, cool fish and eat lots of algae not to mention they are easy to care for


Active Member
I second the motion for trouchus snails. They cost about $3 compared to $1 but they live. I started with 20 turbos and I am down to 3. I bout 10 trouchus to replace them and it seems that they do the work of 100 turbo snails. I have not one bit of algea growing anywhere in my tank not even on the glass.