picked up a new Centropyge eibli


Active Member
unfortunatly I havent been able to get a good picture yet, as soon As I do I will post a picture. its a georgeoius fish probably one of the best looking ones I have seen in a while. I was just excited and had to mention it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GatorWPB
congrats!! Is the picture hard to get because its hiding after just adding it to the tank?
its a shy fish by nature and being a new addition it doesnt reconize me as the bringer of food yet. so it darts for cover evey time I get near the tank.


Active Member
he is so quick that these are seriously the best pictures I have been able to get of him so far.pretty sad isnt it.I'll get some better pictures once he warms up to me.



Very nice - this is seriously the one angel fish I get tempted by. I will be interested to hear how he behaves with your corals (assuming you have him with corals)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sula
Very nice - this is seriously the one angel fish I get tempted by. I will be interested to hear how he behaves with your corals (assuming you have him with corals)
these angels arent predatory on corals persay, but coral slime IS part of their natural diet so they may pick at corals to get the slime off them. if their diet is well supplemented it reduces this chance.
we will see how it fares, its in a softie tank, with leathers so there should be plenty of coral slime for it. every coral in the tank its in is, sacrificial so to speak, they are not worth sweating over the chance of nipping so we shal see.


Active Member
Beautiful fish

I had one for a while but got rid of it because of coral nipping. Hopefully you don't have the same problem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango
Beautiful fish

I had one for a while but got rid of it because of coral nipping. Hopefully you don't have the same problem.
yeah I hope so too but he is going to stay in my Not so reef safe tank. he's not going in my frag grow out or my 75g display.