Picked up my first tassle toady



bin wanting one for awhile but have only seen very small ones, found him today he;s about 5 inches.....



wellbill since the hidden reef burnt down i goto blackwood,rt.73 an ill tell you what got a reaaly good new salt water section is Zoo's in south philly....thats why i havent bought much latley same ole stuff...the place on rt.70 in marlton that closed down is reopening with a new owner very soon.sounds like its going to be a good selection...where do you buy your stuff?

bill f

Yeah, Blackwood and Route 73 are the only ones I know of since the Reef burned down. I wouldn't buy livestock from the place on Route 130, but its the closest so I buy my drygoods there as its the closest.
Have you heard any word on the Reef? That was the place I went to. I was just getting ready to start my new 180 I've been sitting on, went on the sight and saw it burned down. What a shocker, I was probably just there 2 weeks before that.
I saw that the place on 70 closed down, thats where I got my first set up, put I did notice what looked like the backs of some brand new display tanks in the front window. Do you know when that is going to open?
I'll have to check out Zoo's. South Philly?


bill,thanks for the compliment..im not sure when its going to open very soon though.The guy that is opening it used to work there not sure of his name.A friend of mine did some plumbing in there foir him all the salt tanks are gonna be upstairs now an the fresh down sounds like its gonna be nice.However the fact that he says he's put like 10 plasma screen tv's an all other kinds of high tech crap he better do a good business or he wont be there long also...Yes but definetly check out zoo's in south philly its on front st. right across from cheerleaders the strip joint.Talk to a guy named Al very cool an knowlgable hes got a limp when he walks youll know who i mean.but honestly bill i wouldent buy any kind of skimmer,calc reactor lights etc. get it online much cheaper all my hardware is from online these stores rip you on that stuff..Oh an also agree about the place on 130 its pretty nasty there once in awhile if he has some very rare invert or something ill grab it but thats about it.an he;s so over priced on his corals.I tell them eveytime i go in there...

bill f

Definitely buying online, can't find the good stuff in the LFS's. I going to get the ocean motions 4 way, ASMG4x. Still going FOLR with some polyps & shrooms. I don't think I have the time to mess with dosing, calcium reactors and all the stuff corals require. Maybe in the future I'll dable abit. But it all comes down to time. I got young 4 kids, work 8:30 to 6:00 and by the time they're in bed it 8:30-9:00 and I'm beat .
Is it easy with the right equipment.
I got the 180 acryllic & 100 gallon stock tank for extra water volume. I need to find a 50-60 gallon tank to use as a fuge. Don't want to spend $300 for one of those acryllic sumps.
Do you know anybody/store who sells drilled tanks? Preferrably one thats drilled on one end. Would like to have fuge above and drain into stock tank
Thanks ddboy

bill f

Oh the place on 70, Is the guys name Jerry (older guy) or Brett (younger guy 35-40), these were the two who owned it before. Jerry was there all the time, Brett was there when I started swf but I think he had another job that paid the bills.
Thought maybe their names would ring a bell.


no its neither of them brett moved to florida for something an the father i dont know his story is some dude that used to work there an no not the black dude cory either.
An as for tanks the cheapest place for tanks an ive priced everywhere is rt 130 belie it or not.an just drill it yourself trust me its easy an way cheaper i drilled 4 2" holes in my 120 fuge..i used a dremel if you go that way let me know ill tell you what bit to use an so on..


Active Member
Well, keep in mind he was only an inch, SERIOUSLY an INCH! When I first put him in my yellow tang thought he was food, but then they became buddies. He died in about a week, I think my current was too high and he was too small, had I had bigger like 3 inches at least it would have been fine. I had just started building my reef tank will some mushrooms and it did fine. You souldnt worry they are really really cool!