Picking a tank, what height and width

fish fry

Hey guys,
I'm looking a new tanks. Something between 4 and 6 feet in length. I'm not sure what height and width to get.
Obviously the more swimming room the better. Is 18 inches in depth good enough to build a nice reef, or would 24 inches be better.
Same for height. A DSB will take up 4-6 inches. So an 18 inch tank would only have 12 inches of swimming room, seems to small.
Suggestions? I really like the Oceanic 110 which are 60L, 18W and 24H. But they seem to be very expensive. My LFS wants $1600 for them. $1300 if it is not drilled.
Any idea's or suggestions? Are you happy with your tank's demensions?

car guy

you can get a 110 high, which is a 75 foot print (48x18x24 high) the 110 is 48 inches long, 18 inches wide and 30 inches tall and is about an 1/8 of the price


New Member
My tank is 41 " high. Maintenance is a pain. I have to get on a step ladder to work on it because the stand, tank, and canopy equal 6'4". I can't reach the bottom of the tank even when on the ladder.