Picking clowns


So in my tank 1.0 I had 2 clownfish. I got them both small. The male however never grew. He was the same size the day he died as the day I got him. I know it wasn't my tank because all of my other fish grew (my cleaner shrimp had doubled in size as well as my six line wrasse and every other fish in the tank). The female grew but never the male. In tank 2.0 Im going to get 2 clownfish again. My question is that if I wanted to get clownfish and have them lay eggs later on whats the best choice of choosing the parents what should I look for?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SrgVigil
So in my tank 1.0 I had 2 clownfish. I got them both small. The male however never grew. He was the same size the day he died as the day I got him. I know it wasn't my tank because all of my other fish grew (my cleaner shrimp had doubled in size as well as my six line wrasse and every other fish in the tank). The female grew but never the male. In tank 2.0 Im going to get 2 clownfish again. My question is that if I wanted to get clownfish and have them lay eggs later on whats the best choice of choosing the parents what should I look for?
Some Sites for LFS have "already Mated" Pairs of clownfish.


an already mated pair works best. but i had a pair of clowns that mated in my tank they never layed eggs cuz there wasnt any good places. HTH good luck