picky eater


Active Member
i have a little snowflake eel, and hes a realy realy picky eater. he will only eat krill. ive tried frozen silversides, fresh clams, and fresh shrimp, even a live guppie just to see how he would react to it. i know your not suposed to feed them those, i was jsut going to try it once to try to make him eat a balanced diet. ive also tried garlic juices. i crushed an entire clove in the food and he didnt touch anything except the krill. He's like a little kid refusing to eat his broccoli.
any other suggestions for foods or additives?


Active Member
If all he eats right now is krill continue feeding him the krill. Just give him some time. My puffer used to be like that. All he would eat was blackworms for the longest time. Now he eats everything. However, I used Zoe and Vitamin C on the blackworms to ensure he got the right amount of nutrients and he then just started eating everything, except silversides. I swear, him and my lion must have a pact going on because my puffer will not eat silversides (which my lion eats) and my lion will not eat krill (which my puffer likes).


Active Member
haha.. yeah, a while ago i asked people for more suggestions on what to feed him and everyone said silversides. aparetnly everyone elses snowflake eel loves them. what i find realy wierd though is taht he wont even eat fresh shrimp. pretty much the same thing right? i even cut it up to the same size for all these pieces. ill look for some vitamines then nect time im at my LFS.


Active Member
the krill isnt a bad thing for your SFE you can suppliment your krill with vitamins also i dont remember who makes it already but there is a company that packages krill with assensial vit.i will look next time i go to my local feed store wher i purchase most of my pet foods.as far as garlic I use garlic extreme i soak the krill in a cup of water with 2 drops of garlic all my fish love it he will periodicly eat mysis shrimp also.I use 3 differnt LFS to by different supplies and have yet to find a single pack or listing of silverslides as fishfood.