Picotope? ( please reply fast have to get off!)


i currently have a 29g oceanic biocube and wanting to get a 3g picotope........ i have some tiny liltle frags in my 29 and i was wondering if i ordered the picotope could i just add sand/rock and water from my 29 and put the frags in there?i was thinking i could like set upo another liltle tank with liverock/sand. after adding all that i would add a couple of snails and shrimp. has anybody had one of these? if so could you give me a liltle bit of advice?thanks


I have the 3g Tom tank and I love it. Replace the HOB it comes with and replace it with an Aquaclear 10. You have to cut the lid a little bit to fit, but you will be glad you did. I also have a mini heater in the tank.


And yes you can add the frags and some of the sand from your 29, just let it run in there for awhile before adding the coral.


Well-Known Member
I'd do as Fenrir suggested. However, I would put the small heater in the back of the filter instead of in the tank. Reef tanks that small need a lot of attention to detail. Make sure your pH doesn't crash and that your salinity and temperature stay pretty constant.