pic's and attatchments


Active Member
You have to have 20 posts before you can have an avatar, the picture under your username. You can find the place to do this in the usercp tab at the top of this page.
When you make a post, at the bottom of the reply, there is a spot to make attachments. Pictures are best posted there.
Welcome to the Boards!


The pic under you user name is called an avatar. Once you have twenty post you can add one. On the top of the screen where is says User Cp click on that then click edit options at the bottom one of the options is setting up the avatar thing. Posting pics on a thread, there is a box that says attach file, click on browse to find the pic you want to attach, the tricky part is downsizing your pics so you can post them. You can do that in paint.


New Member
thanks guys.
i guess i will have to come up with some interesting conversation to hit my mark!
thanks for the info!


New Member
I am both b/c my wife and i both use this site and i wanted us both to be able to post threads and ask ???'s.