pics and cleaning crew advice


New Member
So i have let my BC29 cycle about a month now with 25 lbs LR, 40lbs LS. A ton of algae has grown on the rocks in the last weeks or so adding a bunch of differnet colorations. I dont know if this is good or bad?? any opinions or thoughts are appreciated and also suggestions on the type of cleaning crew I should select.
Also i noticed that I have a few snails found their way into the tank along with an extremely small critter crawling around the rocks. He somehwhat resembles a millipede just not as long but he has a lot of legs, any clues? good or bad? maybe some type of lice?
Im hoping that the cleaning crew will take care of the snails and maybe the the little guy.
I attached pics, hope they go through



You can take a look at the Reef Package link to the left to get an idea on a cleaning crew. Personally I thing its a little too much, I'd go with half the snails recommended and 5 to 10 bluelegs, as for the other crabs maybe a few since they can be a bit aggresive.