Pics and question.


Hello everybody, Just took some pics. Question: My eel (snowflake) ate a hemit crab today. He's a pretty small eel. Anyways, figured i was a day late on his feeding scheldual, so i feed him imediatly, but....10 minutes later he goes back to the empty shell and sticks his "Big 'ol Head" in there again. Is he just harrasing or hungry? Help!



Active Member
I dont think he was 'starving' .
He was just using his predatory instinct. "If it moves eat it". He was most likely harvested from the wild(or a bad LFS) where each meal he ate could have been the last one for a LONG time, so he eats everything.
Hopfully with normal feedings he will come to realise that he isnt gonna starve.... and hermies arent all that tasty anyway.
But, eels DO eat inverts, they just 'do'. If you are really concerned, return the eel.


Active Member
one of the reasons i won't get one unfortunately.
did you have any questions on the pics? they are very nice!


Shrimpi- Ok then, he's been fine for a month or so and just started yesterday. Maybe he'll stop because they dont taste very well, as you stated.
Renogaw- No i just thought i'd share some pics with my question.
Thanks guys!