Pics Of 10 Gal Bf. Im 4 Months Young Be Nice!


I'm new to the hobby but already hooked! Have 2 perc clowns and looking to add maybe 2 more fish. any suggestions?? :thinking:


well i know i said pics but all my other pics are too big guess ill size them up in paint tomorrow morning and throw them on.


Active Member
The tank looks great, but I woudl recomend 4 fish in a ten...Try some kind fo small goby...I would get a high fin red banded goby or a firefish.


ok, set up account and loaded them on now when i click attatch how do i upload them??


Active Member
4 is alot in a ten but if your going to do it I'd say your pretty much limited to small gobies like small watchman, clown or neon goby. Perhaps a fire fish. I'd do a nice cleaner shrimp and call it a day.


I want some more pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looks great. Is the 10gl your first tank?


Yes its my first 10 gal, im so noob :notsure: that i figured the smaller the tank the easier to keep it. ive heard the opposite since then. but about the lighting i have to 32 watt power compact 50/50's. Just bought a blue hippo tang today! DONT WORRY!! its only about an inch long smaller that my perc. clowns, and im AM upgrading to a 24 gal AquaPod. and by the time the tang gets 2-3 inches i will upgrade again. i eventually want a 100+ gal with in a year. Just starting small to learn so dont bash me about my tang
Im having problems uploading pics from my computer because of size. I heard you can upload from photo websites. So i started to upload one pic and it took 15 minutes and didnt finish. i think im doing it wrong. HELP!


ledzep fan

Active Member
Awsome tank! I also have a Blue Hippo Tang but, he is in a 12 gallon. Don't worry about this guy to. He is in there alone only with a Cleaner shrimp. He will be moved to a 120. I love mine by the way. He is about a inch and a half and eats right from my hand. Good Luck with him! ( They are ick magnets )
~The Zep


Zep! explain ich, ive heard that before but ive be fortunate not to have seen it. And god forbid my fish get it how can you cure it


If you want to Zanski, you can e-mail me some pics of it at and I will try to resize them and put them on here.
I just want to see some more pics. I am thinking of doing a 10gl and would like some pics.
Your tank looks really good.

ledzep fan

Active Member
Well, ick is a deisease(sp?) that lives on fish that have lost their stress coat from stress. Like acclimating a fish into another tank. The signs of a fish having ick is scratching on rocks and little white specks on the fish like salt. You can cure it by doing hypo. Thats when you bring down the salinity. You could also use meds but, the tangs don't do to well with it.
~The Zep


Active Member
Okay I dont like the tang police either and I will be the 1rst to admit having a small 1.5" hippo in a 30 gallon (only for two months, been 3weeks so far. the big tanks coming, I'm just collecting the filtration equipment and such first). my rational (perhaps ill advised) is if you can QT a grown tang in a 20 gallon tank with PVC for shelter for 4-8wks two months in a 30 gallon full reef with rocks and such cant be anymore stressful psychologically. But I have to say going from a 10gallon to a 24 gallon is ill advised. even disregarding the tang a) there is hardly anything you can keep in a 24 gallon that you cant keep with what you already have b) if you are successful with a 10 gallon you arent going to learn ANYTHING by going to a 24 gallon. Fact is smaller is less forgiving because small changes or mistakes affect water parameters much greater with a smaller body of water. most equipment that does wonders for large tanks dont fit small tanks making it that much more harder on the maintainer. small tanks are cheaper and require less elbow grease but are harder to keep water quality prestine. c) yes the tang, you can rationalize to yourself that a tang is fine in a 10-24g for up to close to a year but EVERY credible source of information says otherwise, even for small tangs. So you can do it so as long as you dont find comfort in knowing other people do it and say its fine or because its small and appears healthy. This is how everybody rationalizes about things they have in their tank they really shouldn't. I'm in same boat as you, I only said something because your upgrade plans arent much of an upgrade.


Looks like a real cool tank to me. As far as fish go Firefish are really cool and have lots of personality. But thatsjust my bias opinion. :happyfish


stan thanks for the imput, but i am getting the 24 gal for my girl to have her "nemo's" and i said eairlier that im going to be gettin a 100+ gal with in a year. the lady i really trust who owns one of the most respected LFS's in Atlanta said it would be ok for about a year to put in this tang
. I want to add new pics but im having trouble can anyone tell me how to resize my pics?? Dori wants to say hi