Pics of Clowns and eggs


New Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
beautiful tank.
do you plan on hatching the eggs?
Not this time, I am not set up for it yet. I have been doing alot of research for it though. My 10 year old wants to do it, so it a project we are working on together. With eggs happening every 2 weeks or so we will be having plenty of chances....Pugi


Great looking tank and congrats! Did you do anything special or feed anything special for them to lay eggs? I have two clowns and they host an anemone, Is that what you have?


Active Member
Yeah how old are you clowns? Mine are a year old and I have yet to see any eggs. I may try to breed them as well if they ever do.
Great tank and welcome!!
Try taking some shots with the house lights off so we can see me of the full tank shot.


New Member
Wow guys, I would like to say that I am an expert with all the answers and I am a matchmaker for clowns but the real story is I was given these. The Mommy is a true perc, Daddy is a Ocellaris. At least thats how I have ID them. The Anemone is a ?. I just got them the other day and have not ID the anomone yet. Funny thing is wether they were stressed or Mommy was just ready but 3 hours after moving them the Anemone was attached and they were laying eggs. If anyone can help ID the anemone it would be a great help. Age is roughly 3 years old on clowns. We searched long and hard for a mated couple and just got lucky to have some given to us....Pugi



New Member
I wish I had sand, its gravel. Some day when I get the guts I will tear it down and remove the gravel and add the sand. Been trying to figure out the best way to go about it, any thoughts? Pugi


New Member
Sorry ABC, I missed that part. They get ordinary flake twice a day from automatic feeder then I feed them a little frozen brine every night. Pugi


New Member
Well after a great deal of research my anemone is a BTA. He was just in sad shape when I got him. I have been feeding him brine for the last couple of days and he has perked right up.
Can anyone ID this little guy, he came with the salvage when I got the clowns, Untill I know what he is, he says away from everything..Pugi


New Member
Took a pic of eggs at day 8, Looks like tonight is hatch night. Daddy has been working overtime and you can clearly see the eyes...Pugi


dont mean to steal the thread. just a quick question. wat type of clowns can be kept together with no problems. and as i read they will cross bread right.