Pics of my 10g nano!!


New Member
Here is a pic of my tank. Includes:
1 crab
1 snail
2 domino damsels
1 chocolate chip starfish
3.8 pound live rock
8.8 pound live rock


How old is your tank?
I would not have the damsels in there, and the starfish has a very slim chance of surviving. I would take them back if possible.
Else wise the tank looks nice, though I'd lose that background. Put a plain black or dark blue background on it. The simple background will make the things in you tank stand out.


New Member
i also plan on getting all blue or black backround, i just had this from the back side of my freshwater tank so i put it on for the time being.


The damsel is hiding because he dont want his picture takin..
Very nice tank and clean..lose the back ground and go with black.


Originally Posted by SJohnson13
why should i take out the damsels? and the starfish is eating, whats wrong with him?
Damsels are aggressive little snots.
The tank is not large enough to support the starfish for long term.


New Member
well i have a 5.5 i could make into saltwater. i dont want to get rid of them completely now that i have had them for a couple weeks, just cant do it. could i keep them in my 5.5 if its just them? and i have a 55 gallon at home i could move the chocolate chip to if you think i really need to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by star27624
Damsels are aggressive little snots.
The tank is not large enough to support the starfish for long term.
CC's can be supplemented with frozen foods rather easy..One of the few and can be..
has anyone ever though, hey maybe this guy thinks damsels are cool? Everyone is always so quick to say zomg return the demon back to hell...i personally think they are pretty fun to watch and if you dont plan on keeping much else i dont see why it should be taken back


Active Member
Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
has anyone ever though, hey maybe this guy thinks damsels are cool? Everyone is always so quick to say zomg return the demon back to hell...i personally think they are pretty fun to watch and if you dont plan on keeping much else i dont see why it should be taken back
+1 i like damsels i have one in my tank and is doing great


New Member
i love this website and have learned so much from it, but alot of people do make people feel like they dont know anything. after my tank has been running for over a month i want to make it the perfect tank for two clowns so thats what i am going for. i will move the damsels to my 5.5 and the starfish to the 55 if i need to.


Originally Posted by SJohnson13
well i have a 5.5 i could make into saltwater. i dont want to get rid of them completely now that i have had them for a couple weeks, just cant do it. could i keep them in my 5.5 if its just them? and i have a 55 gallon at home i could move the chocolate chip to if you think i really need to.
If you really like the damsels, then you will want to be getting a bigger tank for the long term. From your picture, it looks like the ones you have are 3-spot dominos. These will mature at close to 6". Way to large for your tank.
Yes CC can be fed easier than a lot of starfish. However the tank is still too small for it for any length of time. If OP intends to have corals, this is still a bad choice.
But that's just my $0.02


New Member
ok i will just move the CC to the 55 gallon tank then, and the damsels i will either move to a larger tank or take them back, not sure yet. thanks for the advice star


New Member
Originally Posted by star27624
Yes CC can be fed easier than a lot of starfish. However the tank is still too small for it for any length of time. If OP intends to have corals, this is still a bad choice.
But that's just my $0.02
Yeah but you can't put CC star's in with soft coral I thought? Like, it's just something you don't do..... Just like you don't put lionfish and clowns together.

So he obviously made his choice by purchasing that CC star, he SHOULD know that he cannot have soft coral, do they bug stony coral though I wonder???


New Member
Well i traded in my 2 damsels and my CC starfish for 2 clowns and 1 diamond watchmen goby and moved my live rock around. I had to move it anyways to catch the damsels which was a pain in the rear.



New Member
yes, i will be changing the backround. i forgot to get it though when i was there. im hoping that my clowns will host in the anemone but the guy at my LFS said that these type of clowns probably wont host to it but its possible they could.