Pics of My 125 FOWLR


I would love to go reef, but don't have lights, or RI/DO unit yet. Right now I only have 4 - 30 Watt NO florescents. Also I continue to have my nitrates at about 20 ppm. When I can consistantly have below 5ppm, and get new lights I will change. Next couple of weeks I will get the RI/DO unit. My weekly budget is only $100 so it will be a while.


love the white sand and blue blackground, looks very nice. How do you keep your sand so white? mine goes brown very quickly. hope my new tank looks as bright and clean as yours!:D :cool:


Active Member
Very nice and clean. I usually don't really like the bleached coral, but some of it (like yours) looks really nice. I'm terrible with most juvenile angels, what species is that? Bo


It is a Koran Angel in there right now. I also had a Yellow Tang, and a Harlequin Tuskfish. The Yellow tang killed the Tuskfish, and tried to do the same to the Angel. He is no longer in that tank. I will probably try another tuskfish since the tang is gone.