Pics of my 29g Project.


This is my 29g project. I started it in december and I am currently in the process of keeping my first corals. Here are some pictures, I would like some input and comments and some criticism. Thanks
Biowheel (for 100g)
Skimmer (for 100g)
65w actinics
65w 10,000k
40lbs live sand
32 lbs live rock

The Beginning of the project

What it looks like as of today

Clown around some Corals

Some Corals

Some More

My Two Fish

My Cleaner Shrimp

These are just a few of the pics, I'll update once i get more additions. Input would be appreciated. Thanks


Active Member
do you do anything to get good coraline growth besides water changes? it looks real good, the rock has nice color to it.


Thanks didn't do much to the rocks just got some real good lr from my lfs. I do water changes every 2-3 weeks but thats about it. Just lucked out on the rocks i guess.