Pics of my 30gal


Active Member
rblehm, Your tank looks great! I love your shrooms, those are our favorite part of our reeftank....No we don't eat them. Good job, keep it up! Later Lisa :D


You're setup is very pleasing to look at... my only concern is the abscence of algae. Maybe I just cant see it from the pics, or maybe you just clean it all off a lot. Either way, do you use kalkwasser? If you don't, I would strongly consider it. It's a must have solution for any reef.


Active Member
Very nice tank! I am planning a tank set up very similar to yours in my 45g. I plan to get more shrooms (blue and red), additionl green star polyps some yellow button polyps and maybe a leather coral. What type of lighting are you using and how much? Keep up the good work!!


I just put my 4x36w PC's on last week in addition to 2x36" NO's. I love the combination! As for the algae, I'm assuming you were talking about coraline algae, it covers about 40% of the tank and is growing steadily. My tank is 3 months old and had little coraline in the beginning. I don't use kalkwasser because I'm afraid to experiment. I used it in my first attempt at a reef tank and never saw a benefit. As long as the coraline continues to grow, I'll leave the tank as is. Thanks for all of your compliments!! :D


What is that sticking out from the back, near the top, on the right hand side? looks like a heater? Is that a high jump bar for you fishies to keep in shape?
Thats a good looking tank!


Active Member
very nice 30 rblehm !
Good looking pieces of LR ya got there too, interesting shapes.
Your shrooms really do look good too.
Nice work


Thanks broomer5, it's nice to get a compliment from somebody with such a beautiful 30gal himself. I told you I'd get my pics up eventually.


Great pics! How long has the tank been set up? How old are the mushrooms - they have really taken off?? are they moving to those locations on their own or are you moving them?
Well Done!


Ok, I have placed all my corals by hand and none of them have moved on me. I just follow the rule: The darker they are, the deeper they go. This works well for the mushrooms. The fish in "reef4" is my Pygmy Angel. I also have 2 Chromis, 2 Neon Gobies, a Purple Psuedo., and another gobie that I havn't a clue to the name. I think he might be a Barred Gobie?? There is a picture of him in "reef6". I know it sounds extremely overstocked, but my largest fish is less than 2" and when the chromis get larger, I'll remove them. I also have a Cleaner shrimp, Coral Banded Shrimp, Horseshoe Crab, Emerald Crab, about 17 mixed hermits, and 4 snails. Any suggestions on my mystery Gobie?


I suggested kalkwasser b/c I have found that it works wonders for me. It takes usually months for it to take a noticeable effect. The first sign that kalk is working is that problem algae begins to stop growing in great quantaties. I quit using it for a month b/c I was out of town... so I start using it again when I return and it takes the kalk a week to take effect. I guess it lingers or something... regardless its a great product if you stick it out. I cant help you with your goby problems, but may I suggest a burrowing sand star? They are very neat to look at... and do an excellent job of mixing up your substrate.


I haven't had any algae problems since I took out my bio-wheel and now rely on the LR for bio filtration. I don't even get the brown powder on my gravel anymore. I use kent buffer to help with ph and alkalinity and my coraline is growing slowly but surely, so I guess I just don't want to add anything that I don't need. If you can tell me the benefits of kalkwasser, maybe i'll give it another try. I've got a big container of it just hanging around.


Active Member
Great pics, great tank. It's tough to get good pics of an aquarium, but you've definitely got it down. I like that little gobyguy in reef6. If I can figure out what he is, I might have to add one.
Nice job.