Pics of my 55! Finally up and running.


Here are some pics of my 55 soon to be reef. I finally filled it up and it has been cycling for about a week. I have 30lbs of base rock, 25 lbs of live rock, and 60 lbs of live sand. What do you think? Any suggestions? (this is my first sw tank so I can use alot of suggestions) Thanks!



get a black background, so you can hide some equipment.
whats your filteration

mpls man

Active Member
depending on what you want to do in the future, i would go with a hang on back overflow box and sump under the stand, very easy to do, that way you can hide pumps , heater , skimmer.... etc, otherwise nice tank.


A few suggestions; first get a black background, it hides equipment, alage, etc and it also makes you fish/corals stand out better. Second, get some more live rock with some colorful coraline pink/purple alage so you get some good color.


Thanks everyone. I am planning on getting and overflow to a sump under the stand (MPLS Man) and a black background for sure. Those are both in the near future along with a seaclone 100 skimmer or turbofloater (maybe remora c if i have the $$$ left after sump etc.)


Active Member
Looks great, but i hope thats not your filtration (the freshwater filter) way thats going to filter that tank...but your rocks look good, and i would put a black back on it.
You also might want to get some jets in the tank


Active Member
i had a maxi jet 1200 in my tank, and 2 other power heads....i think you should have more gph then that,...when i had a 55 i was pushing around 1300gph