pics of my 55 gal tank


get rid of the shark egg. you don't even come close to having a tank big enough for a shark. they need triple and a half more than what you got.


The tank looks good but... was that an eel? Not a good companion for a Seahorse!! Seahorses need low-flow and absolute calm in the tank. Eels are agressive. I won't even touch on the shark egg! Yikes! :eek:


Active Member
You have an expensive disaster waiting to happen. Get rid of the shark egg. Even a newly hatched Bamboo is too big for your tank.
IMO you are at a point of needing to make a decision on your tank. Do you want an aggressive FO tank? A reef tank? A seahorse tank?
Eels, IMO, belong in an aggressive tank because most species have a tendency to eat anything that fits in their mouth....or at least you should look at it like that to be safe. Seahorses are strongly recommneded to be kept in species only tanks, meaning only with other seahorses. The reason for this is because they eat and go after food so sloooooowly that they eventually starve if in captivity with other faster fish.
You could have a reef tank that only houses seahorses, or a reef tank that has an eel. Just keep in mind that most reef fishes stay relatively small, especially the ones you will want to keep in a 55g. Small fishes fit into a full grown eels mouth pretty easily.
Make a decision, and let us know what you do. I'm curious to see.


I totally agree W/ have a few disasters waiting to happen. Think of the seahorse as yourself and you are surrounded by a bunch of Hitlers, Bin Laddens, and Hussains. Wise up dude


Active Member
i agree with everyone above
your eel will eventualy eat the seahorse, or the bamboo will
the bamboo is too big for your tank
and most likely the eel eventualy will be too
what type of eel is it?
it doesn quite look like a ghoat eel to me....


New Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
i agree with everyone above
your eel will eventualy eat the seahorse, or the bamboo will
the bamboo is too big for your tank
and most likely the eel eventualy will be too
what type of eel is it?
it doesn quite look like a ghoat eel to me....
its a black edged moray from the gulf.......see im new to salt water fish and they are all so cool :needhelp: cant they all just get along


Active Member
haha i wish
my mom says the same thing too about putting a pink tailed trigger in my 29 gallon tank. She's a funny one.


Active Member
you need to research want you want to put in your tank before buying anything, just because they come form the ocean doesnt mean all fish and inverts get along


Active Member
Yea your aquarium is way to small for a shark. I would take it to a LFS (local fish store) and trade it in for something that will do better in your tank. Sharks are recommended for experts, and need a much larger aquarium.


I would normally never say anything but this is sad. Next time you get fish do your research, I would not even put the moray in a 55. I suppose you could sell the bamboo shark once it hatched if you had a buyer lined up. I would not want to be that sea horse, go with an aggressive tank, sounds like its going to be one anway.


New Member
i like eels, sharks, seahorses, can i get rid of the sea horses,keep the eel and the shark(for a little while before i up grade to a 125g will the shark and eel be ok :needhelp:


Active Member
im not sure about that species of eel so i dont know if it would be okay in a 125
you bamboo, even when it is first hatched, will need a tank bigger than 55 gallons. And at full growth, will need a tank double the size of your 125 gallon


Even a 125 may be too small for the shark egg. Even that black edge eel you got there is pushin' it, everywhere I've looked online (I did some special research just for you) says that they need at least 125 gallons of water, you don't even have half that! The only eels you could have in a tank that small would be a snowflake or ghost moray. You really need to think about that tank and do a lot more research because that seahorse will likely die in a tank like that, it's hard to tell from the picture of it, but it looks like u have somewhere between medium - strong water current in there when they need a low water flow, and the shark egg is definetly not qualified for a tank that small and to be compatible with peacefull fish such as a seahorse. I'm not sure what you'd like to do, but if your really into seahorses, that tank would look awesome with a couple more seahorses and some pipefish! Just make sure you get all your info straigiht on them. Let us know what you decide! :yes: