Pics of My 65 Gal. and my 90 Gal.


Active Member
Hey Everybody .. here are pictures of my 65 gallon and my 90 gallon .. my 65 gallon has been up for about 3 weeks and I'm still working on it .. as you can see . and my 90 gallon I've had for about 8 months .. I've included the fish lists
65 Gallon:
1 Indian Yellow Tail Angelfish
90 Gallon:
1 Yellow Tang
1 Purple Tang
1 Achilles Tang
1 One-Spot Fox-Face Rabbitfish
1 Flame Angelfish
2 Black Saddleback Clownfish
2 2-Bar Tomato Clownfish
1 Magenta Dottyback
1 Bi-Color Dottyback
1 Orange-Spotted Sleeper Goby (keeps my sand clean)
1 Falco Hawkfish
an 1 Clam (bottom left corner)
3 Anemone's
and a Bunch of Corals
Any Comments?



Active Member THATS a cool tank. Neat angel! I've looked for one of those for a while, and couldn't find one. They're pretty rare. You mind sharing how much he was?

sea horse

What is the blueish/purpleish fish with a yellow tail in the seccond picture called? :joy: Is that the purple tang? What else do you plan on adding to your 65 gallon in the future? :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by sea horse
What is the blueish/purpleish fish with a yellow tail in the seccond picture called? :joy: Is that the purple tang? What else do you plan on adding to your 65 gallon in the future? :happyfish

to answer your first question .. yes .. that's my purple tang .. he's about 6 inches .. he's pretty big for a purple tang .. i bought him for like $110 .. an in my 65 I plan on getting a juvenile blue hippo that's about 1-2 inches keep him in there for 1-2 years .. then when he outgrows it put it in my 90 gallon .. and I want a firefish and a small rabbitfish .. a pair of perculas .. and I'm thinking about putting the flame angel from my ninety into my 65 .. and I'm going to get a BTA for my perculas .. and I want a yellow watchman goby .. and a pair of cleaner shrimp .. I forgot to tell you I have a pair of cleaner shrimp in my 90 also .. what kind of cleaning crew do you think I should get for my 65?

ledzep fan

Active Member
Awsome tanks! Cool tangs as well. If I were you I wouldn't get the Blue hippo and put him in your 90. You already have 3 tangs in there. Unless you plan on upgrading.
The Zep


Active Member
no see I was going to trade the blue hippo for the yellow since the yellows don't get as big .. but thanks ... but hey .. do you know what kind of cleaning crew I should get for my 65?

ledzep fan

Active Member
You could get some Turbo snails for your 65. Maybe some Blue legged hermits, conches, cucombers, ect,. The usual stuff.