Pics of My Achilles Tang


Active Member
Hey .. I didn't see many pictures of Achilles Tangs on here ... apparantly I'm one of the lucky ones and my Achilles has survived with two other tangs ... a yellow and a purple .. so here's a picture of it .. please tell me I'm not the only one that has success with the Achilles


Active Member
It's been in my tank for about a month and a half ... at first my yellow tang beat up on him and he got ich but then I added garlic to his diet and it boosted his immune system and he got better


Wow, Jam1e, thats an amazing fish.. one of the best looking tangs IMO... best of luck with it. What size tank are your 3 tangs in??? Im also interested to hear how long you have kept it.


woops, sorry, you posted my last question right before i posted... and thats good to hear about the achilles


Active Member
yeah .. the other tangs in the tank have been in there for about six months .. and it's a ninety gallon tank ...


Active Member
As I'm sure you know, the reason why most people can't keep Achilles Tangs, or Powder Brown Tangs, is because they come from very turbulant areas in the reef. They need a LOT of water movement in the tank, and without it, they will slowly wilt away..even if they appear healthy for quite some time. She has great color and nice addition!