Pics of my first tank :)


:jumping: I'm so excited. :jumping:
I went to LFS today and my water was great. (I've been establishing for 5 weeks now.) So I picked up a 96W ballast, a bubble tip anenome and his little friend, an Australian clown.
Already in the tank was a blue damsel, chocolate chip starfish, and turbo snails.
Everyone seems to be getting along very well. The clown is very protective of the anenome that it's cute to watch.
While I'm posting this- Does anyone foresee a problem b/w the choco star and the anenome?
I'd appreciate it if someone could reply who has had experience with these two inverts. :D
On to the pics!


Active Member
Not to burst your bubble (no pun intended) but you only have 96watt fixture? Your bubble needs more light, way more.


I have done my research and for the gallon of my tank (20), and the height from the invert to the light-is more than sufficiant.
Its a 96W quad 50/50
Thanks for the concern, tho.


Active Member
I didn't mean to offend you. They just need more light than you have.
But if you said you did enough research, fine. I would do more though, for the anenome.:yes:


Active Member
Looks good, I have read some info that many people thank that BTA do better under pc or VHO, that MH is actually to intense for them. I hope it does well. Looks great with the clown.



Originally posted by dburr
I didn't mean to offend you. They just need more light than you have.
But if you said you did enough research, fine. I would do more though, for the anenome.:yes:

you didn't offend me at all!
some ppl have their prefs, and others have their own.
I'll eat my words if it dies, but I really to think the 96 is enough for my small setup. ;)


Was there any problems at all with the damsel and the clown? I put a clown in my tank(without an anenome...this could have been the problem), and he wasnt happy. I noticed my damsel that I had in there was EXTREMELY teritorial and aggressive. Needless to say the damsel is not in the display anymore. The clown died after being picked on by the damsel. I have a different damsel in there(looks like the same one you have) and he didnput up a fight with the first damsel. He seems to be a bit more friendly, but only time will tell. Just curious is all.



Originally posted by Harlequinnut
Looks great! Was the clown and the anemone already hosting in the LFS?

Yes :) I told myself I that if I ever bought this-I'd go for both at the same time. That way, I knew they had established the relationship. I heard that some species of clowns are very particular when it comes to which anenome they will care for.
Plus-I wanted both organisms to experience as less stress as possible during the move. This seemed to help. :)
Originally posted by shrkbait

Was there any problems at all with the damsel and the clown?

There doesn't seem to be any problems yet. The clown is *very* protective of the anenome. If the damsel so much as comes within a few inches, the clown comes out of the anenome (which is rare as it is) and puts itself between the two. No other aggressive behavopr has been seen. This damsel is pretty passive, though. It hides under the rocks when we walk by the tank.
I think I just lucked out...I'm hoping I didn't just jinx it.


Active Member
Chocolate chips will eat anemones, corals etc. from what I've read. A friend of mine had one and it ate a bta, and a condy.



Originally posted by kpk
Chocolate chips will eat anemones, corals etc. from what I've read. A friend of mine had one and it ate a bta, and a condy.

well, shortly before you replied, I caught the ccstar creeping thru the rocks up to the anenome. I promptly picked him up and put him in my boyfriend's 55 gallon. It has a puffer. After the puffer picked on him for a little bit, the star found a comfy spot at the top of the tank, and the puffer has since backed off.
poor star.


Active Member
But if you said you did enough research, fine. I would do more though, for the anenome.



Originally posted by dburr

now, at first you didn't upset me-but keeping poking and you soon will.


Nice little setup :joy: What type of filtration are you using? When did you first put the starfish in? Im just now thinking about putting a starfish in my new tank but I do want an anemone.... so do you know if its common for stars to try to attack the anemone??? thanks



Originally posted by jaspian
Nice little setup :joy: What type of filtration are you using? When did you first put the starfish in? Im just now thinking about putting a starfish in my new tank but I do want an anemone.... so do you know if its common for stars to try to attack the anemone??? thanks

I had the starfish in before I got the anenome. I put it back in a different tank after watching it creep up to the BTA. no biggie.
I was just hoping I could set the anenome on a ledge and the star would never be able to reach.
boy was I wrong.
I just have a skilter atm.
I am planning to upgrade very soon to seperate filter and skimmer ;) for now, tho everything is cool.
I don't know if it's common.
I never thought to research that before adding the anenome, (poke @ dburr) but that's b/c I knew if it became a prob, I could always seperate the two.
I recommend searching through posts or asking the question on a new thread if you seriously want a good answer.


New Member
That skilter, did it bubble at first and then settle down? I have one on my 80 gallon, and it puts in a lot of bubbles? Any suggestions about how you ajusted yours? thanx



Originally posted by JJoe
That skilter, did it bubble at first and then settle down? I have one on my 80 gallon, and it puts in a lot of bubbles? Any suggestions about how you ajusted yours? thanx

I can't adjust it.
It's noisy and throws out alot of bubbles. I get no buildup in the canister either.
I am getting a new filter and skimmer very soon because I'm tired of messing with it.
sorry I couldn't help ya