pics of my new madarin and my cherub


Active Member
hello heres are some not so good pics of my newly added mandarin and cherub angel! the pics are bad i know but will try to get better ones soon
also my damsel i think is getting aggressive... he is going side to side with the mandarin and he is slamming him and putting his tail in his face! i tak eit hes getting terrirorial im setting up a 12 to put him in.. or i am going to buy a new 72 gallon bowfront tank? will they all g et along with the new 72 gallon? also i will be adding a tang when i up grade it a huge tank
btw the tank and stand its a 72 gallon with stand is 299 good or bad i think im going to buy the tank and get the stand womwhere els!



Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I just bought a 72 bow.
Where I work, the whole setup was $399.
Lights, glass top, tank and stand.
yeah this was makked form 500 to 299 with no sand and top so i would jjust buy a light and arms to have it a open top. but would it be a better idea to buy the tank and buy the stand somehwere els. bcs it is hard to find 72 galons tanks where my lfs are so i want to get on it.. and the stand i can have a difernt lfs order for CHEAP. cus i got my 30 and stand form him for 175 dollares.! so not too to tbad but yeah i def want the new tank!
oh man this is bad real bad cant stop upgrading and this is puttting a hole in my pocket... i am hoping i can use the things i have now
280 penguin
aqua c pro uchin skimmer with 1400 rio + then i will buy the light to fit that tank
MANDARIN OWNERS: is there any way to tel that your mandarin is eating cys lfs said that it would be fine eating off the live rock and the 15 lbs would be fine for him even though that im buying more soon

fishy head

what do you feed the mandarins the guy at the store they eat this type of fish??? that comes off your live rock is that true


Active Member
If you only have 15 lbs of LR you are in trouble, mandrins need lots of rocks to catch pods, thats what they eat. Do you have a refuguim? That will help keep your pod count up, Is your tank an established one? If not, i would take it back, it will starve to death. Sorry.
Oh and your lfs doesn't know what he is talking about
15 lbs of LR will not sustain a mandrin.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
If you only have 15 lbs of LR you are in trouble, mandrins need lots of rocks to catch pods, thats what they eat. Do you have a refuguim? That will help keep your pod count up, Is your tank an established one? If not, i would take it back, it will starve to death. Sorry.

$h*t i dont have refugium but should i buy a few more lbs of live rock well i know i should but how soon?
so i take it that is the only way to keep your pod count up? can you somehow buy pods form a store or something like that? they eat off the live rock.


Mine It´s Agresive Too, I Send It To The Wet Dry To Calm Down, I Do The Same To Another One, And It Works For Me


Active Member
I have from time to time put in bottled copepods, just to bump up my already seasoned rock. But the real truth here is 15 pounds of live rock is not enough for the guy to get enough to eat. I would return him and wait until you have a very seasoned (over 10 months old) larger tank. I'm sorry for the news, but these guys are very hard to keep if not given enough rock for the copepods to breed in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anonome
I have from time to time put in bottled copepods, just to bump up my already seasoned rock. But the real truth here is 15 pounds of live rock is not enough for the guy to get enough to eat. I would return him and wait until you have a very seasoned (over 10 months old) larger tank. I'm sorry for the news, but these guys are very hard to keep if not given enough rock for the copepods to breed in.
ok so how do i get more pods?? also i cant see the things crawling around the rock at night when i use a flashlight i turn the light off for 5 minutes and i see onthing this isnt good so how do i get bottles pods.. lfs are they hard to come by? also i have a TON of little things on my glass they are pink and are all curled up they are small maybe a centimeter al curled up and i also have a bristle worm crawling around my tank . will they pick at theses
could i use a magnifying glass to see if i have pods on the rock?


Active Member
We can get it here where I live at a really good LFS that specializes in saltwater fish only. Otherwise Indo-Pacific Sea Farms ( sell all sorts of critters.


Active Member
You were told you should take it back and you are insisting on trying to keep it, you won't beable to, plan and simple Pods are expensive, my scooter blenny eats pods all day, plus myasis shrimp you just don't have the facility to breed them in 15 lbs of rock
I blame the lfs for even selling you this beautiful creature, and put some blame on you for not researching first
I am sorry to be so hard on you, but you aren't taking the advice more then one person has given you. :mad:


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
You were told you should take it back and you are insisting on trying to keep it, you won't beable to, plan and simple Pods are expensive, my scooter blenny eats pods all day, plus myasis shrimp you just don't have the facility to breed them in 15 lbs of rock
I blame the lfs for even selling you this beautiful creature, and put some blame on you for not researching first
I am sorry to be so hard on you, but you aren't taking the advice more then one person has given you. :mad:
ok yeah i know about that but i am trying to see if there are any othere ways to keep it alvie for sure before i go and return this fish to the lfs.
im not sure what your talking about by not listening to ppl cus i will but i want to see if there are ways before i go to the lfs and sayi cant keep this because ppl say that it wont live.


Active Member
Just tell him he was wrong to sell you a fish who usually won't eat anything but live food and shame on him for selling it to you
He was totally wrong to tell you you had enough rock in your tank.