PICS of my new nano starting


This is my first nano, I have a 120g and always wanted a nano so here is the start of it... its in my kitchen, I love it....
Just added sand

Adding base rock of some dead coral pieces I bought months ago and didnt have a use for...

Added about 2 inches of water from my 120g and then the rest was freshly made.



New Member
Nice, and so clear already... I'm still putting mine together (24G Nano Dlx). Love the rock formation.


Thank you, its alot of fun getting it all set up and you can do anything you want almost with it, I have my 120 in my living room and my 12g in my kitchen, post some pics of you getting it together if u can :)


im not really sure yet, i simply love baby baby clown fish so perhaps 2 tiny ones. maybe a crab and some snails and mostly want it for corals


looks great so far! 2 clowns would be pretty cool. what are you gunna go for as far as corals? Looking forward to seeing the progress of your tank!


Active Member
I have a 24g nano, don't know if you want to or know already but....I would remove the sponge asap. They are ok for like a month and then they pump out nitrates like a siv and they suck to clean. I replaced with filter floss since you can just toss and put more in for like 2 bucks. I would get a new PH also, mine worked fine but everyone I talked to said it is CRAP. won't restart half the time if power goes off and stuff like that.


sponge being the white one? there is a black one as well in the third area and then white in the 4th one. My temps are staying like 75 to 77 is that to cold? Im debating on weather or not to use a heater? I want some more thoughts on it, it would be nice to not have to use one but my big tank is running around 83 or 84, and i want to frag some of my things for my nano, my xenia , colt, and finger leather(by the way what is the best way to frag thoes 3 kinda? can I in fact kill the coral if I do it wrong?) I already put my little feather duster from my large tank into my nano and it opened in 10 minutes, but i dont want to put others in should, can i get away with my tank being in the 70's? and not always always at a steady temp?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ghola5
sponge being the white one? there is a black one as well in the third area and then white in the 4th one. My temps are staying like 75 to 77 is that to cold? Im debating on weather or not to use a heater? I want some more thoughts on it, it would be nice to not have to use one but my big tank is running around 83 or 84, and i want to frag some of my things for my nano, my xenia , colt, and finger leather(by the way what is the best way to frag thoes 3 kinda? can I in fact kill the coral if I do it wrong?) I already put my little feather duster from my large tank into my nano and it opened in 10 minutes, but i dont want to put others in should, can i get away with my tank being in the 70's? and not always always at a steady temp?
With the temp issue, 75-77 is great. The biggest thing is that it is fairly constant. You don't want it to fluctuate alot, that is troublesome. I would say you don't need a heater if it stays at 75-77. The 83-84 in the big tank is great also if it stays the same, make sure to temp aclimate any transfers though for like an hour. And a two degree difference most likly day and night temp is fine. I am not sure about the color of the sponges I removed every sponge from my tank and have been told by everyone I have talked to, to do this. I cannot help with the fragging issue unless it is Zoos, don't want to give you bad advice. Go to the coral board and ask you will get tons of help, there are frag heads there that live for that.


Thanks :) I think im really going to in fact go without a heater for now, I think my temps seem to be good as well, I just always dont want to kill anything :) but thanks again, so how is ur tank coming along?


Active Member
I am freaken loving it. It is coming along very well. I am going to post some new photos on my thread today, check it out. It is called,
updated pics 24g nano
With the small tanks also I am starting to really believe in at least a 4 1/2g water change a week. With a tank this small the nitrates seem to really build quickly. Granted that not over feeding and a good cleanup crew make a HUGE difference, its just that they are like good, good, good, good, good, WHAMO BAD BAD BAD. With big tanks it seems to take quite awhile. Keep me posted with some pics I am going to keep up on your tank I am intrigued!


:( im sorry i have been really really busy with work and stuff this week :) I just did my water change on my nano, I have 2 baby clowns in it now for a week its been. They are doing great, I love how they sleep in the sand bed right by each other.
Im about to go do a deep clean on my 120 gallon and a water change, im going to change 15 gallons. update me on ur tank and new pics if you can and I will get some of mine up to.
Tomorrow im going to buy some new corals.(I will post what I get)


Active Member
Awesome, I have updated my thread so check it out if you have time to. Looking forward to your new pics!


I got some frogspwan and green stars today, they where both 36 each, about 3-4 inch each, put a little chunck of both in my nano. will post pics tomorrow