Pics of my stuff!



OH YEA I JUST got one!!! Just took Princess sun coral and her little frag too!!
Look it is now in MY TANK



Active Member

Originally Posted by bonita69
OH YEA I JUST got one!!! Just took Princess sun coral and her little frag too!!

Look it is now in MY TANK

lol...excellent usage of a Friday night m'dear ;)

(I really can't say anything - I spent mine testing, changing water and moving my clowns from QT into their new digs lol)

Nice corals Princess :)


I want one so bad and I think it would do good in one of those caves. I am thinking I like how it would look in that bottom cave. Nice and shady in there.


Active Member
kinda off topic but do you thinnk a black&white clown and a o&w will do okay toghether and may even breed?
Thanks for looking and the comments! I started this hobby in Sept. of 07 and have been nervous, and down right scared at times, I think I'm doing alright tho!!! YAY least so far.
Nice Tank Bonita....esp with MY Sun! LOL


New Member
I love your sun! looks nice and healthy, i took a pic of mine a few days ago and thought I'd share.
is that a 1 pod sun on the frag you have?