Pics of my tank


Hey here is some pics of my 6 month 46 bow front. I have several triggers in there now. I know what you are going to say, that you can't have triggers in that little tank but I will upgrade when the time is right, and on top of that there is little to no aggression in my tank. Sometimes they will time but thats really it. TEll me what you think of the tank and givemy lots of suggestions disregarding the fact that I can't keep trigger. OOO ya I'm running it on a pro75 wet/dry with the venturi built in.



Active Member
The last picture that fish looks like it has some kind of skin problem. Is someting wrong with him? Or is it the picture?


Well you guys are sort of right. Believe it or not thats a blue line trigger. I always loved that fish and had to get him even though he is suffering from a disorder. I do not know what it is called and it only gets cured over time. He face and stomach is pinched in. I had him for 3 months and he got a lot better than he was. You guys got any advice for my tank???????/


Active Member
i have that same filter, imine might be a little bigger, its the pro clear 150, i love it! tank looks great! todd


todd how do you work the skimmer. everytime i leave the skimmer on it takes out a lot of water from my wet/dry and if I leave it on half way the foam won't even reach the disposal tray


hey whats up
if you guys don't mind I need a lot of advice of what i should do or get next purhaps live rock or something. Please list a lot of things thanx oo ya feel free to post pics of your tanks but don't forget to give me advice lol:jumping:


Active Member
what do you mean it takes a lot of water??? it should take out some, mine gets like a cup or 2 a week, but its a nasty green looking stuff, is that what you mean??? if so thats the way it should work, i posted a pic of mine. Also how big is your tank, gallons wise. And yep you definately need live rock, about 3 to 4 lbs per gallon, you can get away with a little less, and u dont have to put it all in at once. let me know and illl get back to u tomorrow night. todd


awesome looking triggers. i have also thought about doing a trigger only tank. you have some real aggressive ones. i am curious to how they do when they get a lil bigger.


Active Member
man blemmy I love your tank lol my tank is alittle smaller but man that is pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


todd, see you have this pipe on your side of your skimmer. I never recieved that becuase i ordered mine online.My tank is 46b gallons and sometimes if I leave the skimmer on all the way, I ll come back several hours later to find about 3 gallons of water in my pale. And to evilss they do well. My friend has a 6 inch blue chin a 5 inch pink tail and a 6 inch queen in a 75 gallon and they are doin great with barley no aggression. Personaly i think the aggression becomes a minimal in a small tank because there is not enough room for territories so they won't start with each other.


New Member
how do you keep all those together i know the undluted when it gets bigger will try its best to kill everything the nigers are pretty tame the clowns are about as bad as the undluted(sp)?i think you are going to have problems when they get bigger i could be wrong