pics of our 55gallon


Our LFS guys were in the other day and they can't believe we have so much Coraline Algae. It is growing all over our LR and on the glass.


Up until Saturday past we had 100 watts. We just purchased Dual Sattellite PC which are 260 watts in total with 2 moonlights!


So far, so good! We have only had him a few days. The first few days he went all over the tank looking for a spot to stay. He has not moved now for a couple of days so we figure he is content where he is!


Active Member
Originally Posted by SoO High
im hearing good news about Anemones in 260 watt lights so im getting a 260 pc :)
Here is my LTA in my 55 with 260w PC's. I feed him a piece of small shrimp every 3 days. He is doing very well.


Active Member
Anemones will die slowly under inadequate lighting.
Not saying yours is, just that it could take months to see it.. I'm not an expert at anemones.
I will say that anemones should be tried only with well established tanks with optimum water quality, under sufficient lighting. Never buy anything with the attitude of "I hope it survives..."
Sorry, lol, forgot to mention how nice your live rock looks. I reall like the way you positioned it!


Everything does look great in your tanks keep the pics coming. I have the same light set up you do and it has been working great for me.