pics of the crab i caught!


Active Member
well, here he is! The one and only! A hitch hiker!
several scrape marks on the coralline could only lead to him!
both claws are the same size, and both are hollow tipped to collect rock scrapings.
he is extremely mild tempered, as he wouldnt even attack when cornered or caught!
enjoy the pics, and if anyone knows what kind it is, feel free to post!



Active Member
Are the ends cupped, or sharp? Emeral crabs have cupped tips to their claws for pulling algae off rocks, did you ever try some algae sheets on him?


New Member
Is yours a new set up or did you add to your live rock? I set up on fri. and I havent found anything exciting, just a few bristle worms and those little brown anemones that everyone says to get rid of. That crab looks really cool, I can't belive you caught him!


Active Member
there are things that will eat bristle worms so im leavin mine for now.. ill get the appropriate animal to eat em! i got lots of hitch hikers.. tiny white brittle stars.. some kind of worm that has tentacles at the end and opens up like a dandelion or somethin, lol..
its not too new, finished the cycle about a week ago.. but i seen him in there for a couple weeks now..and slowly but surely, the coralline algae keeps gettin scraped..
the ends of his claws are cupped like hollow tips... i will get a pic of them opened up later when i am done building the fuge.. that should be tonite or tomorrow.. maybe the day after if i have to silicone anything