pics of week old nano


have a total of about 15lbs of LR and 15lbs of sand(guessing). no livestock yet, I bought the rock cured(kinda) but it still needed to cycle. So I'm just waiting it out now before I add any kind of livestock. Do ya'll think this is to much rock? I wanted alot but think I might have gotten to much. I'm mainly just wanting inverts in it. goby/shrimp pair is a must, and I was also thinking maybe a pair of perc's( might not have enough room though). As for corals...I dont plain on any yet, maybe later down the road and first would be a frogspawn.
I took out all the bioballs from chamber 2 and added a bunch of LR rubble, I read that was better than the balls, everyone agree? anything else ya'll recommend? 14 biocube. Also, I filled all chambers up about a 1/4 inch from the top so I could get more water volume. it's only holding about 10 gallons after all the rock and sand.


Active Member
I like your rock work. What size tank is it? I have 12 gal. I just got a frog spawn and I love it!! Looking for another new coral. It's adicting! I want something blue.


Active Member
Looks really good. Not to sure on adding a pair of clowns in such a small tank. Usually the rule for them is atleast a 20 gal.