Pics of your 55s


I want to set up a 55gal and i need a list of the products i need! Price estimates would be greatly appreciated! I intend to make it a reef tank with fish and inverts. Pics would be very helpful!

nm reef

Active Member
You can look at pics of my 55 via the link below...a list of "products" could be provided but what you need will depend on how you want to develope your reef. As for cost...lets just say there is several grand floating around in mine...yours could cost less...or more....
Click the image for access to my website...
I second the mention a a grand or so floting around. Buy the more expensive better lighting and such first instead of doin what I myself did and buying something that was still expensive then replacing everything with the more expensive one anyway. Also if I had it to do over I would spend the extra buck and go reef ready.


mine is in the dumps :
there is something wrong with th elights, they are only running at half power.....
I need an RO machine, tired of lugging water jug around....
That is something I HIGHLY suggest buying, a nice RO unit. Ever since I set up my 5.5g, my 55 has lost alot of my interest.