pics of your harlequin tusks?


hey guys...these are probably my favoraite fish in the whole hobby...if people could please post a picture of their harlequin tusk, or especially an australian harlequin tusk, that would be great. i want to see/hear about all your success stories with them..


here is my aussie tusk, He is great!! I have had him for about 2 years now and he is awesome!! He lives with a Niger Trigger and a bird wrasse in my 110 gal.


what's the deal with the harlequin? how big do they get, how aggressive, what are good tank mates, do they need a lot of LR or more swimming space, what do they eat?



Originally posted by Reefin
what's the deal with the harlequin? how big do they get, how aggressive, what are good tank mates, do they need a lot of LR or more swimming space, what do they eat?

Ours is about 9" ( I think the max length in captivity is about 10")and he lives with a green bird wrasse (who is the most aggressive of the group) and a black trigger. (Make sure if you get a Tusk you ONLY GET 1....they are not very aggressive towards other fish, but they will kill each other in a heartbeat). He is an active swimmer but he also likes to take breaks in the sand, so have a soft sand substrate to keep him happy. I have him in with some resin corals and he seems to love the space he has to swim. They are real characters, he swims upside down along the top of the tank and he is always out. If you get one, feed him a varied diet of meaty products... mine loves shrimp, krill, silversides and squid (oh yeah, make sure you have a good protein skimmer). He is not really aggressive but is an awesome addition to an aggressive tank (I would put him in first if you are going to add any triggers or anyone else who might be looking to stir up trouble). I added mine first and he pretty much ignored the new inhabitants when they arrived. I think that a tusk would be a great tank mate for some of the less aggressive triggers, a bananna or lunare wrasse, or maybe a panther grouper if you have the tank size for them. He would also be cool with a larger angel but make sure you have a good handle on your water quality, these guys have the dining etiquette of a two year old kid and they create a lot of waste, so make sure you have a solid biological filter and you shouldn't have a problem. Our tusk is by far my most favorite fish I have in any of my tanks, and if you get one, I wish you luck with him, I know you will love him!
:) Betsey and Brian